Go to File > Settings

Welcome to the settings!
This is where OBS Studios configuration can be changed.

Now, head to the Output tab.

You should now see some settings that the setup wizard set for you, we're gonna change these.

In the Output Mode dropdown, select Advanced.

Set the Encoder to NVIDIA NVENC H.264.

Set the Preset to Low-Latency Performance.

Make sure the Profile is set to High.

Make sure to set Max B-Frames to 0 & set Bitrate to 2500 Kbps or lower.

Set the Encoder to x264.

Set the CPU Usage Preset to Ultrafast.

Set the Profile to high.

Set Tune to zerolatency.

Put bframes=0 threads=8 in the x264 Options and set the Bitrate to 2500 Kbps or lower.

Next, we head on to the Video tab.

Now we need your main display's resolution, press the WIN key on your keyboard, and type Resolution, open the first match.

We are now in the Windows Display settings, we have to scroll down a little.

Under Display resolution, make note of the resolution.

Input your resolution into Base (Canvas) resolution.

Set the Output (Scaled) resolution to 960x540.
Set the Downscale Filter to Bilinear.

It should now look like this!